Time: 9th September 2023, 2pm – 9pm CET Venue: LUX – Pavillon der Hochschule Mainz Zoom: https://hs-mainz-de.zoom‑x.de/j/69121639060 (Meeting-ID: 691 2163 9060) CoVHer Multiplier Event Hosted by the AI MAINZ – Institute of Architecture at Mainz University of Applied Sciences 14:00 – 14:15 Welcome by Piotr Kuroczyński and Jan Lutteroth, Hosts of […]
The second multiplier event was hosted by the Institute of Architecture at Mainz University of Applied Sciences and held at the LUX Pavillon in Mainz. We were pleased to host the event with an elaborate program and terrific keynote speakers. The Project partners of CoVHer introduced the project structure as well as its objectives and goals