
Time: 9th September 2023, 2pm – 9pm CET Venue: LUX – Pavillon der Hochschule Mainz   Zoom: https://hs-mainz-de.zoom‑  (Meeting-ID: 691 2163 9060)   CoVHer Multiplier Event   Hosted by the AI MAINZ – Institute of Architecture at Mainz University of Applied Sciences   14:00 – 14:15 Welcome by Piotr Kuroczyński and Jan Lutteroth, Hosts of […]

Third Multiplier Event held in Germany at the AI MAINZ – Institute of Architecture at Mainz University of Applied Sciences Read More »

International Workshop on DIGITAL 3D HERITAGE. Exploring 3D- Modelling in Education, Documentation and Dissemination, Learning, teaching and training activities: COVHER, Mainz Meeting, 6-13 September 2023 List of Erasmus Plus students participating in the CoVHer International Workshop in Mainz (Germany), 6-13 September 2023 From University of Bologna (Italy): Florida Bajramaj  Matilde Barchi  Sofia Capelli  Joshua Flenghi   Lucia Lacchini 

DIGITAL 3D HERITAGE. Exploring 3D- Modelling in Education, Documentation and Dissemination  Read More »

Workshop in Barcelona Learning, teaching and training activities:COVHER, Barcelona Meeting, 6-11 September 2022 COVHER Participants: Jan Lutteroth, Piotr Kuroczyński, Igor Bajena (Hochschule Mainz) / Fabrizio IvanApollonio, Riccardo Foschi, Irene Cazzaro, Federico Fallavollita (UBolonia) / Jakub Franczuk, KoszewskiKrzysztof (Warsaw Architecture) / Clara Vale (UPorto) / Marc Hernández, Pol Guiu (laTempesta) / JoanAntón Barceló, Evdoxia Tzerpou, Igor

Workshop in Barcelona Read More »