innovative didactic modules - videos

Explore the videos featured in the CoVHer MOOC (Computer-based Visualization of Architectural Cultural Heritage) and discover cutting-edge methods and digital tools for visualizing and reconstructing architectural heritage.

Access the course on BOOK Unibo Open Knowledge and enhance your understanding of architectural heritage visualization and reconstruction.

week 0

0.1 Introduction to COVHer Project

week 1

1.1 Seeing The Past in the Present - Part 1

1.1 Seeing the Past in the Present - Part 2

1.2 The Concept of Model

1.3.1 Workflows, methods and formats. Introduction to the scientific reference model

1.3.2 Deep Dive on the Lecture​

1.3.3 Chapter 1: Background, 3D as Wild West​

1.3.4 Chapter 2: Heritage BIM for 3D Architecture Models

1.3.5 Chapter 3: City GML for 3D City Models ​

1.3.6 Chapter 4: Introducing the Scientific Reference Model Approach

1.4 Different Types of 3D Models

1.5 The Methods of Digital Representation and 3D Modelling Techniques

week 2

2.1 From Broken Fragments to Recreated Buildings - Anastylosis

2.2 From Broken Fragments to Recreated Buildings - Geometric Completion

2.3 From Broken Fragments to Recreated Buildings - Analogy and Template Matching

2.4 Artificial intelligence​

2.5 Interrogating the Model - Computer Simulation

week 3

3.1 Best Practices for Constructing 3D Models

3.2 Scale, Proportions, Measures, Level of Detail

3.3 Semantic Segmentation Intro

3.3 Semantic segmentation and enrichment in BIM

3.4 Communicating the Uncertainty

3.5 An example of scale of uncertainty

3.6 Visualizing the 3D Model

week 4

4.1 Introduction to sharing the 3D models

4.2 Digital 3D model documentation

4.3 Publication Process and Requirements for Web-Based Repositories

4.4 Image- and Copyrights in digital 3D reconstructions

4.5 Reusing 3D Models: File Formats and derivatives

4.6 AR in the context of the hypothetical 3D reconstruction of architecture

4.7 Derivates of the Scientific Reference Model: Virtual Reality

4.8 3D printing - Invisible

4.9 Enriching the Model with Environmental Elements