Workshop in Barcelona DIGITAL 3D HERITAGE. Exploring 3D- Modelling in Education, Documentation and Dissemination 

Workshop in Barcelona

Learning, teaching and training activities:
COVHER, Barcelona Meeting, 6-11 September 2022

COVHER Participants: Jan Lutteroth, Piotr Kuroczyński, Igor Bajena (Hochschule Mainz) / Fabrizio Ivan
Apollonio, Riccardo Foschi, Irene Cazzaro, Federico Fallavollita (UBolonia) / Jakub Franczuk, Koszewski
Krzysztof (Warsaw Architecture) / Clara Vale (UPorto) / Marc Hernández, Pol Guiu (laTempesta) / Joan
Antón Barceló, Evdoxia Tzerpou, Igor Bogdanovic, Jan Salazar (UAB).

Three days of joint staff training activity to the project partners aimed at use of the CoVher website and the
preparation of OER (PR O4). Different training activities have been addressed to the professors / researchers
of the CoVHer project: architects, engineers, art historians, archaeologists, restorers, computer scientists.
Specifically, the activities were dedicated to 1. Characteristics of the Coursera Online Platform, video quality
requirements and interaction methods; authoring tools and linking with external databases and digital
repositories. 2. Training has also been offered on current and emerging education technologies used in e-
learning. Emphasis was put on the basics of Heritage Education from the point of view of didactic goals and
educational methods, and the necessities of educating future staff of museums and public administration on
Cultural Heritage Research and Management. 3. Training on Augmented Reality computational techniques
for advanced forms of learning and dissemination. 4.- Training meetings were arranged with official
representatives of public administration on cultural heritage management to design and to determine best
strategies and approaches for blended learning and full-distance learning courses using Moodle integrated
tools for activities and resources.

External researchers that participated in the training sessions as teachers for the project staff: Alfons Miás
(UAB/OpenLab), Clara Masriera (UAB-Ceparq), Paloma González (UAB, Dept. of Prehistory), Miquel
Mazuque (UAB, Mathematical Didactics) Mario Guerra (UAB-PostGraduate School) / Laia Pujol (UPF) /
Albert Sierra (Agència Catalana del Patrimoni Cultural) /J.M. Puche (Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàsica)